CDP Group


We are a unique Group in Italy

We are a unique group in the Italian landscape, combining financial and industrial capabilities. We use our skills to serve Italy and the other countries we operate in, promoting growth and employment, supporting innovation and the competitiveness of businesses, infrastructure and the country.

About Us

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The sustainability of our business

Promoting Italy's sustainable development is a fundamental part of our Mission. Through our daily commitment, we support the economic and social growth of our country, contributing to the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

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Press releases, media kit, social media: keep updated with CDP Group's activities and news.

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Cassa Depositi e Prestiti is the Italian National Promotional Institution.
We foster the development of the Country, using responsibly national savings in order to support growth and boost employment, leveraging on innovations, business competitiveness, infrastructure and local development.


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Analysis and Scenarios

In-depth analyses of industrial, infrastructural and macroeconomic issues of interest to the CDP Group and the country. The activities aim to provide strategic guidance for the CDP Group’s operations, contributing to dialogue with stakeholders and the economic and social development of the country.

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We are committed to helping our people grow, by leveraging shared values in a stimulating and rewarding working environment.

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