Libro storico - 170 anni di Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

It is difficult to tell the story of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti without including the history of our country.

CDP has grown with Italy, accompanying it during the economic and social changes that are part of its history.

On the inauguration of our 170th year of work, we tell the story of this close bond in a book of 170 photographs that illustrate the stages of our country's history, accompanied by some of the many CDP projects.

Postal savings, through bonds and saving books, are the real stars of this journey through time, allowing Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to promote sustainable development in Italy. The relationship of trust that binds CDP with 27 million Italian savers is the driving force of our activities for the country.
The book is a celebration of that bond, looking back on a past full of pride in working together to make Italy's future great.

See the book