Commissione Parlamentare di Vigilanza

Parliamentary Supervisory Committee

Established with Royal Decree 453/1913, the Parliamentary Supervisory Committee is a control body made up of parliamentary members (representatives of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate) and non-parliamentary members (representatives of the Council of State and the State Audit Court), which has the role of supervising CDP's separate account activity, that is mainly financed with funds from Postal savings.


Carlo Maccari, Member of the Chamber of Deputies, Chairman
Nicola Irto, Senator, Vice-Chairman

Parliamentary members 

  • Stefano Borghesi, Senator
  • Dario Damiani, Senator
  • Nicola Irto, Senator
  • Lucio Malan, Senator
  • Gianmauro Dell’Olio, Member of the Chamber of Deputies
  • Domenico Furgiuele, Member of the Chamber of Deputies
  • Carlo Maccari, Member of the Chamber of Deputies 
  • Francesco Saverio Romano, Member of the Chamber of Deputies

Non-parliamentary members

  • Mauro Orefice, Section President of the Court of Auditors
  • Carmelina Addesso, State Counsellor
  • Antimo Prosperi, Counsellor of State
  • Nicola Fenicia, Counsellor of the Regional Administrative Court of Tuscany

Go to the Committee’s official webpage on