Cooperazione internazionale | CDP


Sustainable, green and inclusive development

For emerging economies

We turn challenges into opportunities, investing in the development of partner countries and offering financial solutions for a sustainable future.


We are the Italian Financial Institution for Development Cooperation. We finance initiatives with high economic, environmental and social impact in strategic sectors. In addition, we support programmes on climate change, financial inclusion and women's entrepreneurship in countries on the “OECD-DAC List” of official development assistance recipients (Partner Countries).

We offer financial solutions and technical assistance. We make available all the experience of CDP – which has been an integral part of the history and economy of Italy – as well as our knowledge of international dynamics and the potential of our Partner Countries.

Our goal is to make investments that will stand the test of time, with a long-term impact on the development of Partner Countries, in line with the Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

We work together with the main players in Italian Cooperation: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), the Ministry for the Economy and Finance (MEF) and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS).


Our role

Our initiatives

Products and services

Relentless focus on impacts generated

CDP consistently strives to incorporate impact analysis principles into its decision-making, enabling it to support initiatives that can generate positive economic, environmental and social outcomes in Partner Countries.

CDP, along with other Multilateral Development Banks, Development Finance Institutions, banks, impact asset managers and financial industry groups, is a signatory to the Operating Principles for Impact Management (Verification Summary). The Principles, backed by the International Finance Corporation (“IFC”), offer a guide for institutions and investors to incorporate impact criteria throughout the investment process.

CDP also participates in various initiatives such as the:

  • 2X Challenge, a partnership scheme started in 2018 by the G7 Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) to boost investments that support the role of women and female entrepreneurship.
  • Water Finance Coalition, a project launched in 2021 at Finance in Common with leading international development finance institutions to renew and strengthen the collective commitment to increase investment in the water and sanitation sector.
  • Global Green Bond Initiative, a strategic partnership to develop the local green bond market in partner countries through the structuring of a global investment fund supported by the use of EC financial guarantees and technical assistance resources.

Want to learn more?


For more information download our presentation on CDP's cooperation activities or leave your contact details and we will get back to you.

Stakeholder Grievance Mechanism

Mechanism made available to the civil society in order to report social/environmental impacts that may result from operations financed by CDP or from operations for which the financial support of CDP was requested, find out more.