Diversity, equity and inclusion

An open, respectful and varied working environment is based on diversity, fairness and inclusion. These elements are fundamental in allowing everyone to express their potential based on their individual experiences, characteristics, abilities and qualities.


of women in managerial positions


of women out of the total of new managers


gender equality certification

Data from the latest Integrated Report


Changes in society and the world of work have made it clear that approaching diversity and inclusion correctly allows organisations to boost opportunities not only for their employees, but also for the communities and areas where they operate. The CDP Group’s actions aim to strengthen an open and modern society in which everyone can make a difference.


On the side of change

DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) constitutes one of the core values of the Group culture.

We develop our strategic commitment in line with Goals 5 (Gender Equality) and 10 (Reduced Inequalities) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and with international standards, including the United Nation’s Global Compact and Women's Empowerment Principles.

In addition, we participate in national and international networks and promote training and awareness-raising initiatives for an inclusive working environment.

The path led us to obtain UNI/PdR 125:2022 Gender Equality Certification at the national level and international attestation of compliance with ISO 30415 "Human Resource Management Diversity and Inclusion."

Find out more



We have appointed a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Manager who is responsible for defining policies and strategy proposals on inclusiveness, as well as developing and managing related initiatives and programmes at a company and group level.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy

We have put together and approved a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy, Policy, which guides our strategy and sets out how we promote these values internally and externally.

The Policy was the subject of consultation with sustainability associations and experts as well as representatives of wider society and will undergo regular monitoring of the impact it generates.
Our vision situates the topic of DEI across four macro areas of activity: our people, our business choices, our selection of suppliers and how we communicate.


DEI for our colleagues

Recruiting, selection and hiring

We are committed to ensuring that recruitment campaigns are based on criteria of objectivity, expertise and professionalism, and convey the value of equal opportunities.


We are committed to monitoring the gender pay gap and develop strategies to close any gaps found, with the aim of achieving pay equity.

Training and development

We are committed to providing training that helps to recognise and eliminate stereotypes of any kind for all employees, at all levels (starting with new joiners). We have also established a process for assigning goals, assessing performance and identifying succession plans based on respect for the principles of transparency, diversity and inclusion.

Work-life balance

We are committed to providing practical tools and tailored initiatives to facilitate a good work-life balance.

Building awareness and understanding

We keep our employees informed about developments in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion topics through communication and engagement tools.


DEI for the community


DEI in business activities

We support female entrepreneurship with various initiatives:

  • Through the promotion of the Business Matching platform – a digital tool integrated into the Export.gov.it portal and developed by CDP to foster business relations between Italian and foreign enterprises with the goal of supporting export and internationalisation – which includes initiatives in support of female entrepreneurs in partnership with the main national women's associations, aimed at offering business opportunities to women.
  • Through the 2X Challenge partnership, launched in 2018 by the Development Finance Institutions of the G7 countries to deliver projects aimed at fostering the economic and financial inclusion of women in developing countries.
  • Through underwriting Social Bonds, some of which support female entrepreneurship projects.

Participation in campaigns

In order to promote the values of diversity, fairness and inclusion at a national and international level too, we have joined and participated in campaigns:


DEI in the supply chain

As part of the process to select our suppliers, we take into account criteria that encourage equal opportunities and promote diversity, equity and inclusion.

Find out about our initiatives in the dedicated section of our Integrated Report.

See also