La Governance della Fondazione CDP | CDP

Governance and Ethics

CDP Foundation

The Board of Directors, responsible for managing and defining Fondazione CDP’s strategies, was appointed by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SpA on 11 June 2020.

The Board of Directors has five members. It is supported in its decisions by the Scientific Committee, an independent body with an advisory role, made up of members from the academic, cultural and scientific world.

The General Manager is appointed by the Board of Directors. The General Manager is responsible for the operational management and implementation of the strategy decided by the Board.

The Board of Auditors, made up of the Chairman and two other members, takes part in the meetings and exercises control over the foundation’s administration

Giovanni Gorno Tempini


See the biography
Francesca Sofia

General Manager

See the biography

Roberto Reggi

Chairman of Fondazione di Piacenza e Vigevano

Manuela Sabbatini

CDP Internal Audit Director

Marco Santarelli

CDP Communications, External Relations, Art and Culture

Stefano Bruno Galli


Board of Auditors and Supervisory Board

The Board of Auditors also acts as the Supervisory Board pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01.

The Board of Auditors is appointed by the Founder. It is made up of three full members who remain in office for three financial years and may be re-elected.

Chairman: Giulia Pusteria
Auditors: Ilaria Cerreta e Giovanni Battista Provenzano

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is composed of five members, chosen among profiles in the worlds of science, academia, culture and civil society by the Board of Directors.

It is incumbent upon the Committee to provide its opinions and make proposals with regard to programmes, studies, initiatives and, more generally, the activities of the Foundation, help the Board of Directors and the Director General to assess the efficacy of the actions proposed or carried out and provide prior indications on the selection of projects and subsequent feedback on the results achieved.

The Scientific Committee is coordinated by Arianna Traviglia who oversees and plans the activities of the Committee, provides detailed reports to its members, and liaises with the various bodies of the Foundation. The President and/or the Director General of the Foundation may be called to attend the meetings of the Scientific Committee.

The Scientific Committee is composed as follows:

  1. Arianna Traviglia (Coordinator), director of the Centre for Cultural Heritage Technology of Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia of Venice
  2. Marco Frey, full professor of economics and business management at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
  3. Abdoulaye Khouma, writer and editor of the magazine “El Ghibli”
  4. Maria Cristina Terzaghi, associate professor of History of Modern Art at Università degli Studi Roma Tre
  5. Giovanni Fosti, associate professor of Welfare and Social Innovation at SDA Bocconi School of Management




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