Governance and policies

We have established a new sustainability governance model to achieve our goals through coordinated action between corporate functions and senior management.


The governance of sustainability

The Governance system, which is structured around the Board of Directors, is focussed on sustainable development and is also reflected in the Articles of Association which confirm this principle.

Through our Sustainability Policy Framework, we are committed to integrating sustainability into our business choices and operating processes.

The set of guidelines and procedures is implemented thanks to a specific organisational configuration. The Risk and Sustainability Committee is a cornerstone of our sustainability governance. Since February 2024, the Group has also had an ESG Council, chaired by the Chief Executive Officer, which is tasked with constantly aligning and managing strategic decisions and interdependencies for our ESG projects.

With the aim of pursuing an increasingly all-round approach in managing environmental, social and governance issues, three Departments (Administration, Finance, Control and Sustainability; Communication, External Relations, Art and Culture; Sector Strategy and Impact) are operative, directly reporting to the Chief Executive Officer, and are responsible for the process to deploy and communicate the Group’s sustainability commitment.

The Risk Department is also key, tasked with defining, selecting and implementing models, methodologies and instruments for assessing and monitoring types of emerging risks, including ESG risks. Players involved in the governance of sustainability also include Internal Audit, which evaluates and provides guarantees for the internal control system, including in relation to the sustainability process.

Sustainability Ambassadors

Sustainability Ambassadors are also involved in governance: they consist of a community of employees that collaborates in several ways, in particular, they contribute to the sustainability planning and reporting process through monitoring the indicators on an ongoing basis.

Our internal regulations

The organisational structure consists of policies, regulations and procedures. Our ambition is to be increasingly guided by policies that favour the implementation of our sustainability strategy and its natural development over time.  

These are the main documents and policies adopted with the aim of integrating sustainability into our business and operating model:

Code of Ethics Group code of conduct containing a series of social and moral rules that it is mandatory to comply with.
Sustainability Framework Regulations Describes the guiding and methodological principles, the areas and the operating methods that CDP adopts and implements in managing sustainability within its organisational system, in compliance with external regulation and associated internal rules.
ESG Plan Outlines CDP's sustainability goals and commitments.
General Policy for Responsible Financing Guides business activities aimed at generating positive and measurable impacts in the field of ESG.
General Policy for Responsible Investing Defines the guiding principles of direct and indirect investments based on ESG criteria.
General Stakeholder Engagement Policy The document identifies ways of listening and dialogue for constant involvement of stakeholders in order to establish concrete collaboration and produce shared value.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy Sets out the guiding principles and operating methods to promote the values of diversity, equity and inclusion among internal and external stakeholders, with measures in four macro areas: people, business, purchasing and communication.
Energy Sector Policy< It outlines where we do and don’t make interventions in terms of our financing and investment activities in the energy sector; it also aims to integrate ESG aspects as part of business processes, identify criteria for the handling of areas to be promoted in line with the Strategic Guidelines developed for the sector and define the criteria governing limitations and exclusions.
Defence and Security Sector Policy

Establishing treatment, limitation and exclusion criteria to guide CDP's operations in the defence and security sector.

Transport Sector Policy It defines treatment, limitation and exclusion criteria to guide CDP's operations in the transport sector, relating to the building of infrastructure, the construction of vehicles (excluding the production of parts) and the provision of services for road transport, rail transport and fixed installations, transport by sea and inland waterways, and air transport.
Agrifood, Wood and Paper Industries sector Policy It establishes limitation, exclusion criteria and aspects to be promoted to guide CDP's operations in the Agrifood, Wood and Paper Industries Sector.
Stakeholder Grievance Mechanism Policy Describe the mechanism made available to the civil society in order to report current or potentially negative social/environmental impacts that may result from operations financed by CDP or from operations for which the financial support of CDP was requested within the scope of the International Cooperation and Development Finance Area (ICDF).
General Internal Footprint Policy Sets out the general principles and operating methods to promote best practices in environmental sustainability and reduce environmental impacts, with particular reference to those relating to CDP operating model, i.e. linked to the management of workplaces, ICT components and travel.

General Responsible Procurement Policy
Annex Supplier Code of Conduct

Sets out the guiding principles and operating methods to continuously promote best practices in environmental and social sustainability and good governance in CDP supply chain.
Summary Document - Tax Integrity and Transparency  The document presents a concise overview of the guidelines that CDP and its Group Companies adopt to mitigate the Tax Integrity Risk associated with operations concerning the management of EU resources and other supranational funds, as well as the Risk of Tax and Financial Transparency linked to counterparties.  
Tax Strategy The Tax Strategy defines the objectives, principles and guidelines adopted by CDP for managing the tax matters and the risk associated.
Integrated Policy for Occupational Health, Safety and the Environment States the principles and commitments made by the company's senior management for the continuous improvement of the management systems and is circulated to all levels of the organisation.
Scope of application of the Integrated Management System for the Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Specifies the scope of application of the Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Management System; the scope of application includes the activities, internal and external factors, the needs and expectations of the interested parties and the physical and organisational boundaries of the locations where CDP assumes the role of owner, lessor or lessee and in which CDP personnel are present.
Guidelines on Antitrust, Conflicts of Interest, Market Abuse and Privacy Summarizes - in line with the internal regulations approved by CDP’s competent bodies - the guidelines and key measures adopted by CDP in the following areas of paramount interest, considering its operational activities: Antitrust, Conflicts of Interest, Market Abuse and Privacy.


For further information on the governance system and other policies adopted by the Group, visit the dedicated section of the Integrated Report

See also