Organi sociali in scadenza e procedure di nomina | CDP

Corporate bodies expiring and candidate selection process

On the basis of CDP’s internal procedures and of the provisions of the Minister of economy and finance’s directives of June 24th, 2013 and of January 31st, 2023, the List of companies directly and indirectly controlled with corporate bodies expiring in 2024, upon the approval of the financial statements as of December 31st 2023, is published on this page.

In view of the renewal of the corporate bodies included in the List, any interested person can apply by sending, to the e-mail address, his or her curriculum vitae - to be written according to the model hereby attached – together with a copy of his or her identity document.

Each candidate can apply for a maximum of three companies.The application must be sent through a single e-mail, specifying which positions and companies the application is referred. Applications can be submitted by the dates indicated for each company in the below List 2024.

Candidate selection process and criteria

In the search, selection and appointment of members of the corporate bodies of directly and indirectly owned companies, CDP adheres to specific principles, namely:

  • prior planning of activities;
  • use of transparent procedures;
  • reference to market best market practices, taking into account the peculiarities of CDP.

For optimal planning of activities, CDP publishes on its website:


  • by no later than January of each year
    (i) the list of companies directly and indirectly controlled by CDP (with the exception of companies controlled by listed companies and those controlled by companies not subject to guidance and coordination) with bodies expiring during the year, and updates it if, during the year, changes occur;
    (ii) the e-mail address to which any candidates can send their applications for the positions referred to in the previous point, together with their curriculum vitae, to be prepared according to the indications provided, in order to expand the search activities;
  • by no later than February of each year, the deadline for the submission of applications for each company in question.

The search and selection of candidates and verification that they meet the requirements for the position are carried out by CDP with the support of leading executive search companies.

The search and selection process of members of corporate bodies takes into account specific criteria, namely:

(i) prior verification for each candidate of the eligibility requirements provided for in the reference legislation for the specific company (including the requirements of professionalism, gender requirements, absence of grounds for incompatibility and conflicts of interest, compliance with the limits of accumulation of offices, etc.);
(ii) the qualitative and aptitude assessment of each potential candidate, also taking into account the candidates' possession of proven and qualified professional skills, as well as a number of positions compatible with the effective performance of the office, in relation to the size, complexity and specificity of the portfolio company in question and the business sector in which it operates;
(iii) balanced combination of gender, skills and professionalism, aimed at the appropriate overall composition of the body;
(iv) operating performance of the portfolio company in question, also in a Group perspective;
(v) the enhancement of the internal skills of the Group's employees - identified in compliance with the criteria indicated - for the assumption of the office of director, also in a Group logic. If appointed, CDP employees pay to CDP any remuneration recognized by the shareholders' meeting for the office of director pursuant to art. 2389, paragraph 1, of the civil code.

Each application is assessed both in relation to the characteristics of the individual candidate and in the broader perspective of the overall composition of the body, in consideration of the complexity and peculiarity of the portfolio company in question and the business sector in which it operates.

Within the scope of this process, the Appointments Committee:

(i) examines the need for renewal of the corporate bodies of portfolio companies on an annual basis;
(ii) verifies compliance with the principles, process and criteria concerning the search and selection of the members of said bodies;
(iii) expresses its prior and mandatory but non-binding opinion on the proposals for appointments made by the Chief Executive Officer before they are submitted to the Board of Directors;
(iv) reports to the Board of Directors on its activities.