CDP, Confindustria and San Patrignano: objective Africa

CDP, Confindustria and San Patrignano: objective Africa

Second edition of the Sustainable Economy Forum: CDP confirms its commitment to sustainable development, signing a Memorandum to effectively promote the economic and social development of African countries

Rome April 10,2019

The first meeting and the network launch took place in San Patrignano in 2018. Today, the second edition of the Sustainable Economy Forum delivers a concrete result: CDP, Confindustria, the San Patrignano Foundation and the E4Impact Foundation sign a Memorandum to promote the economic and social development of African countries.

A wide-ranging commitment for all strategic sectors, such as energy, infrastructure, agriculture, education, small business, urban systems and the environment, combating climate change and inequalities.

Important objectives, to be approached with the most appropriate means: financial instruments for sustainable development are gaining increasing importance on international markets and are showing extremely significant growth rates. Over the next 15 years, 24 trillion dollars will be inherited and managed by millennials, who show more than twice the inclination to invest in financial activities with social or environmental impact than any other generation. At the Forum, Antonella Baldino, Director for International Cooperation at CDP, highlighted how sustainability represents one of the fundamental pillars of the new 2019-2021 Business Plan, and the tools are already operational: "For a year and a half, CDP has successfully launched green, social and sustainable bonds. The three bond issues to date, for a total amount of 1.75 billion euros, are directed to areas hit by disasters, financing of water infrastructure, renovating school buildings and urban redevelopment. They have enabled us to reach a wider audience of responsible investors

CDP has already participated in various investment programs: CDP will support activities in 2019 capable of generating positive impacts for the production system and the employment landscape, with the approval of three projects for African SMEs and supporting the renewable energy sector.