Cultural Ecosystems Call: CDP Foundation announces 4 new projects

Cultural Ecosystems Call: CDP Foundation announces 4 new projects

The CDP Foundation earmarks another 480,000 euro, bringing the total fund up to 1.2 million euro.

Four new projects join the six winners of the “Cultural Ecosystems” funding round promoted by the CDP Foundation, thanks to an additional 480,000 euro in funding, raising the previous allocation of 720,000 euro to a total 1.2 million. 

The additional funding provided has enabled new initiatives to be started up in regions previously not covered by the fund, namely Tuscany, Lazio, Sicily and Calabria. Each project pursues objectives targeted at engaging various groups of the population and promoting active community participation.

The four organisations awarded presented the following projects: 

  • La cultura non invecchia” (Culture Never Ages), presented by the Fondazione Musei Senesi in Tuscany, which aims to organise workshops on the artistic heritage found in the collections of some of the foundation’s member museums. The project reaches out to seniors aged over 70, to activate their cognitive capacities and stimulate their memory.
  • Crescere con la musica” (Growing with Music), presented by the Accademia Musicale Romana in Lazio, which promotes musical activities through inclusive events for the disabled and economically disadvantaged people. In addition, thanks to the active engagement of schools, learning and cultural opportunities will be offered, with a focus on students with special learning needs.
  • Matre Terra” (Mother Earth), presented by Chiarìa APS in Sicily, which plans to create the first Land Art itinerary along the Monte Cicirello Nature Path in the Etna Park, to raise awareness in the community of our bond with nature and the need to respect it. Environmentally-friendly works, chosen through an international contest, will be produced with the involvement of students.
  • Visioni Civiche | L’arte restituita” (Civic Visions | Art Returned), presented by the Fondazione Trame ETS in Calabria, which will organise, as part of the Trame Festival, a cultural event on books about organised crime, an exhibition of major art works confiscated from Mafia organisations, including a number of twentieth-century masterpieces. 
The Cultural Ecosystems funding round was launched in July with the objective of promoting initiatives that leverage the cultural and natural heritage of municipalities with a population of less than 100,000 inhabitants. National and international NGOs, charitable organisations, associations and cooperatives all responded to the call for projects, submitting a range of innovative proposals focused on the promotion of visual, digital, performing and literary arts able to boost the attractiveness of local areas.

The first six projects awarded funding were announced in December. They will lead to the creation of artist residence programmes, ecomuseums, art workshops, cinema productions and creative festivals in the six Italian regions of Liguria, Piedmont, Veneto, Campania, Basilicata and Puglia.