Infrastructure, families, companies: CDP works for Genoa

Infrastructure, families, companies: CDP works for Genoa

The Group's commitment to the Ligurian capital continues: CDP, Fincantieri, Snam and Terna, along with the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with key Ligurian institutions to promote initiatives designed to support the region's infrastructure, public bodies, companies and families

Rome November 20, 2018

Following the implementation of the first few initiatives, CDP Group's dedication to Genoa continues to grow and become increasingly concrete and tangible, with the involvement of subsidiary companies and the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group.

CDP, Fincantieri, Snam and Terna, together with the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group, have decided to get involved on the groundwith an agreement to launch a number of operationsaimed at providing support to public bodies, the infrastructure system, and the economic fabric of the city as a whole.

A winning team which, alongside the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with key institutions in the Ligurian region: the deputy emergency commissioner for the Collapse of Ponte Morandi (Morandi Bridge), the Special Commissioner for Reconstruction, and officals from  Region of Liguria, the Municipality of Genoa, the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, and Finanziaria Ligure per lo Sviluppo Economico organisation (FILSE) - to achieve a common goal: to help the city return to normality following the devastating collapse of thePonte Morandi. At the heart of the Memorandum of Understanding is a shared commitment to infrastructure, businesses and families.

Specifically, Fincantieri, Snam, Terna and Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane will each bring their own specific expertise to the table, to support the infrastructural development of the Genoa with regard to efficiency and sustainability, improving public transport links and promoting alternative road transport solutions for citizens. Meanwhile, CDP will provide its backing to the Public Administration in implementing a number of initiatives that are set be rolled out with the support of various public-private partnerships. The Group will also launch a series of actions that help families and businesses, working in collaboration with the Commissioners, the Region and FILSE, implementing new measures and drawing on public funds, as well as its own resources.

The commitments already undertaken both in the financial and real estate sectors also fall within the scope of the Memorandum of Understanding: Infact, CDP has already suspended the repayment of instalments of a number of loans which were originally due in 2018 and 2019, freeing up financial resources to be used to cope with the emergency, and making the "Ex Casa degli Infermieri" building available to more than 100 individuals who were left without a home after the tragedy. In addition to this, a major urban regeneration project is currently being implemented, which includes a number of other real estate redevelopment and social housing initiatives. The newly-signed agreement thus represents a decisive step forward in the rebirth of Genoa.

Thanks to the collaboration between the various companies and bodies involved and the work of each of them in this major challenge, the city will gradually be able to return to normality, and to rediscover the pleasures of everyday life.