Infrastructure investments: what opportunities do they offer in terms of economic and social growth? And what are the difficulties to be overcome in order to contribute concretely to the development of this sector?
These are the main issues addressed in the study “Infrastructure for growth: how to finance, develop and protect it” prepared by ISPI’s Infrastructure Observatory, with contributions by several institutions, including Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. The chapter “Conditions that facilitate infrastructure investment”, edited by the Research and Studies Area, provides an overview of the global scenario of the infrastructure system that, in general, appears to be under increasing pressure.
Investment is struggling to keep up with demand: world infrastructure needs at 2035 are estimated at around US$70 trillion and the current infrastructure gap (calculated as the difference between infrastructure demand and investment in infrastructure) is around US$600 billion per year.
In this context, the role of institutions working to fill this gap is becoming increasingly important, promoting quality infrastructure projects and supporting the Public Administration in the most complex phases of planning. The objective is to encourage the creation of projects that are well integrated in the economic and territorial context, with an increasing attention to sustainability issues, also strengthening the skills of all parties involved in the design and implementation process.