Social Bond 2019: results report online

Social Bond 2019: results report online

Over 3,300 funded projects and more than 15,500 full-time jobs created and maintained.

These are the results of the second Social Bond one year after it was issued by CDP in March 2019, as outlined in the Social Bond Report.

A great success, confirming Cassa Depositi e Prestiti's commitment to Italy's sustainable development.
The completely allocated funds raised through the issue were used for construction work on schools and urban redevelopment, with a focus on safety.

In particular, resources were allocated on one hand to the construction, safety and seismic protection of educational buildings at all levels, including universities, and on the other to urban redevelopment with initiatives to improve the condition of municipal buildings, public parks, sports facilities, cycle paths, recreational infrastructure and children's centres.

The funded projects fall into two of the four "Eligible Categories" defined within the CDP Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework", either "Infrastructure and Development of Cities" or "Education". These categories contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal No. 4 "Quality Education" (ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all) and No. 11 "Sustainable Cities and Communities" (make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable).

In terms of impact on the community, 587 thousand students and 130 thousand inhabitants benefited from activities carried out in more than 1,600 Municipalities thanks to the Social Bond. This is a significant result, which confirms CDP's close support for Italy and communities, with an increasing focus on sustainability.

Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, through its Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds, promotes forms of investment capable of generating added value in social and environmental terms, contributing to the achievement of the 17 UN SDGs.

Read the report

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