Terna Wins on Sustainability

Terna Wins on Sustainability

Terna confirms worldwide leadership for the performance on FTSE4Good index.

Since 2005 Terna has been present in the baskets of the FTSE4Good Global and Europe. For five years it has also been included in the indices EURONEXT World 120, 120 EURONEXT Europe, Eurozone EURONEXT 120. All these data confirm its world leadership in sustainability, a theme about which markets and investors are increasingly concerned.

The FTSE4Good indices identifies companies that  best manage risks, the so-called ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and include in their baskets only those who adopt best practices in sustainability, calculated on the basis of more than 300 indicators. Major themes focused on are climate change, corporate governance, and respect for human rights.

Terna is also the Electric Utilities Industry Industry Leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2015, in addition to being included in all the major sustainability indexes on Italian and international levels.

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